什麼是功率分配器? What is Power Divider

什麼是功率分配器?(Power Divider)


功率分配器是射頻電路中較常見的無源元件。常見名稱為Power DividerPower Splitter.

A power divider is a common passive component in RF circuits, also known as power divider and power splitter.


  • Power Divider:

每個埠均串接一個667歐姆的電阻,所以不管從Power Divider的任一埠看進去,其阻抗都是50歐姆,是沒有方向性的一個元件。

Power Divider: Each port is connected in series with a 667-ohm resistor, regardless of which port you look into the power divider, the impedance is 50 ohms. It is a non-directional component.


  • Power Splitter:


Power Splitter: Only the two output ports each have a 50 ohm resistor, while the input port does not have a resistor. Therefore, looking into the input port is 50 ohms impedance, whereas looking into the output port is 33 ohms impedance.









參考文獻: https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/news/vm5xnvl.html