Radio Frequency:什麼是RF無線射頻


RF是Radio Frequency的縮寫,又稱無線電頻率無線射頻高周波。在電子學理論中,電流流過導體,導體周圍會形成磁場;交變電流通過導體,導體周圍會形成交變的電磁場,稱為電磁波。在電磁波頻率低於100kHz時,電磁波會被地表吸收,不能形成有效的傳輸,但電磁波頻率高於100kHz時,電磁波可以在空氣中傳播。RF指具有遠距離傳輸能力的高頻電磁波,射頻技術在無線通訊領域中被廣泛使用。


RF is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency, also known as wireless frequency, wireless radio frequency, and high-frequency. In electronic theory, when an electric current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field is formed around the conductor. When alternating current passes through a conductor, an alternating electromagnetic field is formed around the conductor, known as an electromagnetic wave. When the frequency of electromagnetic waves is below 100kHz, they are absorbed by the Earth’s surface and cannot effectively transmit. However, when the frequency of electromagnetic waves is above 100kHz, they can propagate in the air. RF refers to high-frequency electromagnetic waves with the capability of long-distance transmission, and RF technology is widely used in the field of wireless communication.

